OKR是一種目標設定的框架,可用於個人、團隊、組織、公司等領域,在公司或團隊中的功能與KPI類似(),皆是為了讓團隊以一個更有系統的目標設定及成效追蹤,來達到更卓越的成果。OKR被廣泛應用於科技業,例如Google, LinkedIn, Spotify, Twitter, Airbnb, Amazon, Netflix等,另外也有不少其他產業採用這套框架,例如Walmart, Target, ING銀行等。
- O = Objective (常翻譯為「目標」)
- KR = Key Result (常翻譯為「關鍵結果」)
- Objective是一個比較有野心的目標設定,有時可能會覺得有點不容易達標(超出舒適圈)
- Key results是一個「可以被測量」且「容易透過分數評比」的(Google用0 - 1.0的分數來評比)
- OKRs 是公開的,所有在組織內的人都可以知道其他人在做些什麼
- OKR並不是要求要100%達標,其實OKR的甜蜜點約在60%~70%的達成率;若組織內有人的OKR不斷的可以達標100%,表示他的OKR可能設定的不夠遠大、不夠有野心、或說太過於保守小心,需要鼓勵他們把思考的更遠大(think bigger)
- 低分應該被視為幫助精進下次OKR的養分
- OKR不等於員工績效考核/評量
- OKR不等於待辦事項
KPI(Key Performance Indicators)是一種統計指標,用於衡量組織在達成其目標方面的表現,因此只要在稍有規模的公司工作過,應該都有使用過方法。KPI 通常是數字,如銷售額、客戶回饋率、員工績效等。KPI 是用來衡量組織的運作效率,以便管理層可以審核組織的績效並做出相應的調整。
Personal 個人使用OKR範例
OBJECTIVE: Accelerate Blogger Revenue Growth
Key results:
- Launch “Monetize” tab to all users
- Implement AdSense Host Channel Placement Targeting to increase RPMs by 10%
- Launch 3 revenue-specific experiments to learn what drives revenue growth
- Finalize PRD for Blogger Ad Network, secure eng allocation to build in Q1
*This example is from Adobe, see more on Google’s OKR video
OBJECTIVE: Grow our business
Key results:
- Grow revenue to $3M
- Launch the new product
- Reduce churn to <5% annually through customer success
*This example is from Adobe, see more on Adobe website
OBJECTIVE: Grow our corporate global business
Key results:
- Hit company global sales target of $100 Million in Sales
- Achieve 100% year-to-year sales growth in the EMEA geography
- Increase the company average deal size by 30% (with upsells)
- Reduce churn to less than 5% annually (via Customer Success)
*This example is from Adobe, see more on Adobe website
OBJECTIVE: 給客戶更好的體驗跟印象
Key results:
- 產品評價達到4.5顆星或更高
- 顧客回購率50%或更高
- 季度客訴量降低10%
- 季度客訴來電滿意度80%
OBJECTIVE: Reduce the number of Customer-Reported bug tasks after major launches
Key results:
- Find 30-50 volunteers across the organization to test features before launch
- Decrease time to fix critical bugs in production from 24 hours to 16 hours
- Audit QA testing every three weeks for efficiency
*This example is from Clickup, see more on Clickup website
OBJECTIVE: Improve the Email Delivery Architecture
Key results:
- Provide a new refactoring plan
- Ship the new architecture docs to all internal teams
*This example is from Adobe, see more on Adobe website
OBJECTIVE: Launch a high-quality Product Beta
Key results:
- 10% of our existing customers try it
- Get an NPS score of 7
*This example is from Adobe, see more on Adobe website
OBJECTIVE: Launch the New Product Successfully
Key results:
- Conduct 30 customer development interviews
- Review 10 usage videos via UserTesting.com and summarize it internally
- Do 2 training sessions on the new product for Marketing and Sales teams
- Help Product Marketing by reviewing their technical spec documents
*This example is from Adobe, see more on Adobe website
OBJECTIVE: Develop a New Product Vision
Key results:
- Interview 50 prospective customers and get their initial feedback
- Get usability score above 8/10 on UX mockups from 20 prospective customers
- Specify 5 elements in UX mockups to increase product’s usage engagement
- Get internal feedback score of 10/10 from the sales team
*This example is from Adobe, see more on Adobe website
**若需要更多OKR範本亦可前往What Matters的這個Examples & Resources頁面以及Mooncamp的這個OKR Examples頁面查看OKR案例。
OBJECTIVE: Increase Customer Engagement
Key results:
- Increase customer satisfaction score from 50% to 89%
- Publish 15 customer FAQs by [date]
- Implement 5-7 strategies for personal presentation plans for enterprise customers
*This example is from Clickup, see more on Clickup website
是否該使用OKR tool導入OKR到公司?
市面上有非常多OKR工具或是可以用來執行OKR的工作軟體(例如常見的Asana, Atlassian等),我認為初期並沒有導入這些工具的必要;其實要做OKR,只需要使用一般公司或組織本身就有在使用的各種工具或甚至是一般的筆記軟體都可以達到,當整個OKR體制執行的順暢後,若因為組織較為龐大,希望更有系統性的追蹤、互評、查看他人的目標、圖表化的結果、自動產出報告等等需求,確實可以考慮導入軟體工具來幫助員工減少花時間在追蹤自己的表現上的時間。
- OKR不應該只是一個新年新希望,若定了OKR後都不去管他,直到季末或年末才來評分,OKR恐怕很難幫助到組織成功
- 經常的檢視OKR(有助於提醒自己、追蹤狀態、即時修正改善並且朝向當初設定的方向不偏離目標)
- 每週花一個短暫且快速的會議時間來check-in你的或團隊的OKR (不超過1小時,通常在30~40分鐘就可以結束,有些組織也會推行15分鐘站立會議完成check-in)
- 不必再打分數了,專注在Key results指標的量測
- 由數字(數據/資料)來驅動Check-in
- 現在的Key Result執行的成果數字到哪了?
- 這次跟上次比有什麼改變?
- 達成KR的信心度如何?
- 遇到障礙了嗎?可以解決嗎?解決了對於KR有幫助嗎?
- 需要做些什麼來改善、優化結果?
有興趣的人可以前往閱讀這邊文章(上述部分重點來自此文):Tracking OKR Results with the Weekly Check-in
在這個網頁讀到亞馬遜(Amazon)創辦人貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)的這段話,相當有意思:
I very frequently get the question: “What’s going to change in the next 10 years?” And that is a very interesting question; it’s a very common one. I almost never get the question: “What’s not going to change in the next 10 years?” And I submit to you that that second question is actually the more important of the two — because you can build a business strategy around the things that are stable in time. … [I]n our retail business, we know that customers want low prices, and I know that’s going to be true 10 years from now. They want fast delivery; they want vast selection.
It’s impossible to imagine a future 10 years from now where a customer comes up and says, “Jeff, I love Amazon; I just wish the prices were a little higher.” “I love Amazon; I just wish you’d deliver a little more slowly.” Impossible.
When you have something that you know is true, even over the long term, you can afford to put a lot of energy into it.